Robert Savoca Sensei is a 6 Dan Birankai and one of the Kazuo Chiba’s successors. The interview was taken on Saturday, February 2, 2019 during Savoca Sensei’s seminar in Wroclaw Aikikai Dojo, Poland.
Interview with Piotr Masztalerz from the Wroclaw Aikikai

Piotr Masztalerz studies Aikido since 1988. He’s a 6 Dan Aikido Birankai Shidoin based in Poland. For those who don’t know Birankai is an association of Aikido Practitioners and Dojos founded by T. K. Chiba Shihan, forged by rigorous training, tempered by mutual respect, and committed to the relentless pursuit of the art.
Kazuo Chiba

Kazuo Chiba (February 5, 1940 – June 5, 2015) – has been an 8 Dan Aikido Aikikai teacher. He learned directly from the Morihei Ueshiba and his son Kisshomaru. Dedicated life to Budo where 50 years were about the Aikido in the first place.
Juba Nour and the Baja Aikido

Juba Nour has a 6 Dan in Aikikai and holds a status of a Shihan. He’s one of the first known uchi-deshi’s for Kazuo Chiba. A founder of the Baja Aikido on the beaches of Mexico and one of the Birankai’s heroes.