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Nobuyuki Watanabe

Nobuyuki Watanabe (July 25, 1930 – August 20, 2019) was born in the Miyazaki Prefecture. Sumo was the first Budo on his way and at secondary school, he started Judo. He also made Jukenjutsu but really liked and considered Judo to be the best martial art possible before he got thrown with the Shiho-Nage…

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Morito Suganuma

We’ve met Morito Suganuma Shihan earlier on the site in a post with the warm-ups but he really deserves more… He was born on July 27, 1942, in Fukushima, Japan. He knew about the Aikido from an early age and heard about O-Sensei a few times but only at Asia University in Tokyo, he was able to join a Nobuyoshi Tamuraβ€˜s Aikido class. He continued at the Hombu Dojo, where future Sensei was surrounded by the greats with the Morihei Ueshiba as in charge.


Interview with Piotr Masztalerz from the Wroclaw Aikikai

Piotr Masztalerz studies Aikido since 1988. He’s a 6 Dan Aikido Birankai Shidoin based in Poland. For those who don’t know Birankai is an association of Aikido Practitioners and Dojos founded by T. K. Chiba Shihan, forged by rigorous training, tempered by mutual respect, and committed to the relentless pursuit of the art.

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Christian Tissier interview on Kombat Sports TV Channel

Christian Tissier gave an interview for the SFR Sport Kombat which is a French TV channel about the Martial Arts, MMA and everything related. The interview is originally in French, Tissier’s native language and a translation to English is inside the post, hop in. The interview was taken by Lucie Bertaud.

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Donovan Waite

If you ever tried to find some good educational videos about ukemi there’s a good chance that you stopped looking right when Donovan Waite β€œMeeting the Mat” explanations were found. You may get no idea why it’s attractive but you will get the feeling that everything should work just like that because of the softness and smoothness of the moves.