Patrick Cassidy
Patrick Cassidy is a 6th dan Aikikai Aikido instructor. He has been practicing Aikido for over 30 years. His primary teacher was Saito Morihiro Shihan (1928 – 2002), whom he studied with in Japan for 6 ½ years. He also spent extended time studying with Robert Nadeau Shihan, Peter Ralston and Richard Moon Sensei.
Patrick is currently dojo-cho at Aikido Montreux in Switzerland.
Patrick is committed to exploring not only the techniques of Aikido but also its internal principles and spiritual perspectives. He is inspired to look at Aikido beyond the level of self-defense and ask, “how does Aikido help us evolve?” This exploration is evident in the movement of Patrick’s aikido. This approach is referred to as Evolutionary Aikido.
Evolutionary Aikido is based on a philosophical perspective that integrates Patrick’s personal insight with Asian spiritual teachings and western evolutionary and integral thought. Patrick’s movement is expression of what is essential in this approach, the exploration and embodiment of freedom.
His studies also have taken him to Asia spending over 4 years travelling through India, Nepal and Tibet where he dedicated himself to Yoga, contemplation and meditation. He’s also committed to the practice of Cha No Yu, Japanese Tea Ceremony. For Patrick, awakening, development, and evolution are important themes of the work done at Aikido Montreux. Aikido Montreux also has an uchideshi program…just in case…
Patrick Cassidy Sensei now heads the Evolutionary Aikido Community, which is recognized by the Aikikai, and has over 25 dojos around the world. You can catch him in Montreux and during his seminars abroad. Next ones are here, and here.
Here’s a Aikido Montreux Facebook page to follow, interesting YouTube channel to subscribe, a Twitter and a link to a site.